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2. Add ModbusTCP Target

A device where signals can be read from or written to is called a Target in hopit Edge. To add a new Target, open the Targets section in the hopit Edge web interface: https://localhost:5050/Targets. Enter a descriptive Name, select ModbusTcp for the Target Type and click Add.

Add ADS Target

The new Target appears on the same page and can be configured now.

ADS Target

The Enabled box must be checked and for Host and Port the IP-Address and the Port of the Server must be filled in. Then the Submit button needs to be clicked.

If the connection is established successfully, the card on the hopit Edge home-screen at https://localhost:5050 turns green and says UP.

ModbusTCP Status


If this is not the case, please look in the log at https://localhost:5050/Log. If this didn't help, configure Debug for the log level and disable and enable the Target again.